The Tree of Stories is a sculptural toroidal vortex of energies, memories and presences … and it belongs to everyone. The mighty Tree was initially envisioned to say goodbye to the place where the AfrikaBurn seed was planted, honour our tribes and thank the sacred land connecting us to our past. Unable to be built at ‘Stoney’, it was transplanted to Quaggafontein where it now stands: a beacon to what was, what is, and what will be.
As we head towards AfrikaBurn 2023, it’s now up to the communitree to nurture its growth. You are invited to share and show us your ideas of how the Tree can flourish, blossom or even spawn new roots and shoots. Your ideas may take the form of appendages to the Tree or a seedling idea scattered afar. Performance and light-art proposals are also welcome. It could be anything you like, it could be all of the above, and much more….
If you’d like to submit a proposal for your Tree idea, please read the document linked below: