Sounds basic, eh? But you won’t be able to help yourself or others if you aren’t in a good place.
It is very easy to become overstimulated. Between the people, the sights and the sounds, you will find yourself in a place where the rules have changed and few things are what they seem. Add in a couple of days of exertion, unpredictable weather, sleep deprivation, possible dehydration, and decreased appetite, and you may find yourself feeling a bit edgy. Chances are you will take it out on those people who are closest to you… so SELF AWARENESS IS KEY!
When you find yourself getting ready to pitch a hissy fit, STOP!
Get out of the sun!
Drink some water!
Eat some food!
Take a nap!
“I will be right back… “
“Yeah right . . .”
There’s a lot to do and see, and simple tasks take MUCH longer than you think they will.
You WILL get sidetracked, caught up, and distracted. Cut yourself, and everyone else, some slack.