Wanderlusting AfrikaBurners, listen close – ancient bellies are rumbling! Conventional sleeping arrangements are crumbling! Roooaawwrrr! Turn your humble tent into a sculptural spectacle and join the ranks of sleeping stegosaurii that will be taking up residence in the suburbs of Tankwa Town.
There’s an open-participation project for anyone and everyone heading to AfrikaBurn this year. To find out more please contact Kathryn at kateandmuller@gmail.com or Antonia tonacronje@gmail.com or download the PDF from the link at the bottom of this page to find illustrated step-by-step instructions.
The Dinosaur Adventure girls would like to hear from you – if you’d like to attend a fun and sociable workshop for making stegosaurs spines, please download this document and mail your response to kateandmuller@gmail.com, and they will get back to you very soon.