AfrikaBurn 2025: 28 April to 4 May

Tankwa Town 2014

Dear lovely, furry, colourful, dusty, crazy, dancing, creative, gifting and gorgeous citizens of Tankwa Town – behold: this is your new town plan!

Yes, the version that you see below is quite hard to read, because our town has grown a lot, and there’s a lot more of you and your wonderful theme camps – but for a high-res version which you can zoom in on, simply click on it to view the finer details.

Or, if it’s a printout you want, click it and then save the image and you’re good to go.


Take the time to familiarise yourself with what you see here. There are Medics at 6ish and on Hermes Plaza (halfway down the new 9:30ish boulevarde). Toilets are found everywhere: we have 120 traditional Tankwa toilets, 20 prototype composting toilets and 50 Portaloos (including 5 handicapped) will be dotted around. To find them, look outward toward the urban edge – they have flags, and at night will have lights.

Now, those veterans amongst you will immediately notice that we have a large new area beyond 10ish. This is our new camping zone, which has been added to accommodate our growth for this year and future years – and has been selected specifically because it’s the area where camping will cause the least impact on the landscape, whilst enabling expansion for this year and years to come.

PLEASE NOTE: if you arrive beyond the Wednesday of the event, please don’t expect to find your ‘usual spot’ around the Binnekring or Buitekring available any longer if it’s not a registered Theme Camp because, as you’d know, free camping in areas not set aside for registered theme camps is always on a first-come-first-occupied basis.
So, arrivals from Wednesday onward should simply take a left at Loki Road and head towards this new expanded camping zone and populate the new space, which will also have toilets and generally be spacious and quiet.

Please assist us in populating our space by accommodating our traffic marshals’ requests – and whatever you do, PLEASE DON’T ENCROACH THE URBAN EDGE. We need your assistance to ensure our footprint is contained in the areas you see on this map. If there’s a sign that reads ‘NO CAMPING BEYOND THIS POINT’, please observe that to preserve the beautiful natural environment you find around Tankwa Town. The signs demarcate a flood zone – and if you were at AfrikaBurn 2012, you’d know that camping in the flood zone is not a good idea.

And lastly, when planning your camping bear in mind that on the ‘horns’ of 2ish and 10ish is where the biggest sound systems are located. Those are the Loud Zones – if you want a good night’s sleep, please bear that in mind and camp away from those areas. The Buffer Zones are found between these areas and the Quiet Zones (which are furthest from 2ish and 10ish).

Thanks to all the crew on Art, Signage, Placement and Demarcation that made our map!
Onward to the Tankwa!

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