You can help in two ways:
– by making a donation here: https://www.quicket.co.za/events/13569-masiphumelele-fire-donations/#/
– by reading the info below and assisting with physical donations of necessary items at the Ubuntu Centre in Masi
- Food – canned foods, tea, coffee, sugar, cooking oil, maize meal, vegetables, margarine, bread
- Building materials – (We are wanting to raise the shacks off the ground ( 4 – 6 small gum poles R 120.00 each and then wood for the floor ); so that in winter, there is no risk of flooding
- Gum poles, tin roof sheeting, old doors, windows, any wood that can be used
- Fire extinguishers (It would be great to give each household a fire extinguisher – the plan is to train 10 – 20 people next year from each section how to fight fires)
- Clothes & shoes – Babies, children & adults
- Blankets, linen, old beds and mattresses
- Kitchen utensils, crockery & cutlery
- Old stoves and fridges in working order
- Baby formula, nappies, soaps, toothpaste
Please only pass on necessary items, not junk – things that work and will help people, and make a difference. The most urgent is food and building materials.
Drop-off Location: Ubuntu Centre @ 1862 Tambo Road, Masiphumelele (There are 2 entrances to the Ubuntu Centre)
Directions: Turn right off Kommetjie Road into Masi, first road left (At old cultural centre), road bends right. Ubuntu centre is 3 or 4 houses down on the Left – Sign reads ( Projekt Ubuntu and You2africa). The Ubuntu centre also borders Chasmay Road, opposite the Training campus. Chasmay Road is between Masiphumelele and Harry Goemans Nursary – it is a dirt road.
Please call one of the co-ordinators before dropping off items as they may be busy in the wetlands area assisting households:
Candi Horgan 082 561 2879
Nyameka Ndashe 071 604 3617
Mama Charlotte 083 982 5692
After hours ( after 17h00 ), clothes and donations can be dropped off at the following address: Yoga Shala, 28 De Stadler Road, De Oude Weg, Capri Village
Directions: Just past Masiphumelele and the old Solole Game Reserve (Now Waldorf School) on the left, Turn left and then 2nd right. Yoga Shala is a big terracotta house, with baboons on the gate post (not real baboons!)
The council are clearing the area at the moment and will put in place access roads, so that fire trucks will be able to get in to the area next time. Then the building will begin, as soon as possible, as people will want their small piece of land and to build and to get on with their lives.
THANK YOU to everyone involved in assisting the Masi community!
(and thanks to Simon Hazell and AVA-Online for the use of this photo, taken at AfrikaBurn in 2012)