The Dance of 1000 Flames is the biggest fire dancing jam in Southern Africa!! On Saturday night, before the Clan burns, we gather in its perimeter and have a solid jam together as per dusty tradition. All fire dancers are welcome to join – from the paraffin pickled veterans to the soot free fire virgins.
But this is serious business. You MUST MUST MUST be at the safety briefing if you want to participate! We all need to know where to be, what to bring and how to behave. You also need to receive a marker that will allow you past the Rangers and into the Clan’s perimeter later that night.
🔥 Safety Briefing: Saturday @ Sunset @ The Clan 🔥
Check the Arteria notice boards during the Burn week and on Saturday to get updates on the exact time. You can also pop into Camp 404 to ask for more info.
Do we have any VOLUNTEERS who would like to assist? We need:
– Safety Marshal(s) to monitor the fueling station during the jam
– A First Aid Marshal
– General Assistants
Get connected to the Flow Arts Community at AfrikaBurn on Facebook: Here you can meet fellow spinners, plan a flow mob, or get important info on how to safely conduct oneself in Tankwa Town when it comes to flinging fire around for fun.