AfrikaBurn 2025: 28 April to 4 May

Artwork: Tree of Stories by Lawrence Brown and the Tree of Stories Crew
Image credit: Steven Morrow

For many years, AfrikaBurn tried to provide a gallery website where photographers and videographers could upload their content, and self-manage the tagging and details on their personal AfrikaBurn photography page. 

We achieved this in 2017, and ran a beautiful photo gallery until the system it was built on started to show cracks. In 2019, we had galleries on the main (this) website, and galleries on the system.

During the shit-storm that was 2020, the gallery site broke, and started affecting all the other websites we run (like the ticketing and Tribe websites) – it would leak database juice all over the other websites and make everything very unstable (and not the cool type of unstable). 

To continue offering a gallery website, we’ve had to start re-building a new gallery site. It’s on it’s way, and we’re hoping it will be better than ever. That said, if you have mad Drupal skills, perhaps you can bring the previous gallery website back to life with much less effort. 

Either way, there’s no gallery at the moment. Check back soon, or go look at the amazing galleries on our Facebook Page