Every year since 2007, our main annual event’s theme has gone on to inform the design of our event guide and poster – and each year, a volunteer designer from our community has considered the theme, and produced artwork that’s their interpretation, with some added creative license.
And, with our 2020 theme – Afroboratory – having been released back in August, we’re now happy to announce that designer Jeanne Fourie (who’s also something of a DJ phenomenon who goes under the JNN KPN moniker) has dropped her final artwork for our 2020 poster!
Clap your eyes on this:
Inspired by our 2020 theme’s allusions to experimentation and the idea of Tankwa Town being a laboratory of sorts, the poster references the science, machinery, play (and colour!) that’s such a feature of what happens when we all come together each year in the dust.
Massive thanks to Jeanne for the hard work and inspired design! (to see the other works that Jeanne’s contributed over the years, take a look here).
To get your free copy, feel free to visit our offices in Salt River, Cape Town (8 Junction Rd) between 9am and 4pm weekdays, or come along to one of our Volunteer Days – or, as usual, you can also pick up a copy at Off-Centre Camp in Tankwa Town. Or, if you’re unable to pick up a physical copy, you could always download the PDF above, and print it out.

As we’ve mentioned many times, AfrikaBurn is more than just…