So there you were, staring up at it, going ‘Wow, this Clan is…amazing…” But did you know that you can build it? That you can submit a concept? (or, that even if you can’t actually build it, your concept could go on to become the Clan?) True, all of it – every iteration’s the brainchild of a fresh brain; since inception the Clan has been championed and interepreted by different artists (which is why every year, it’s looked different). Anyone can take a crack at it – even you.
So, got an idea of what the Clan could look like in 2018? Fantastic – your first step would be to read the Clan Guidelines and draft your Clan proposal.
Don’t panic if it doesn’t look perfect, just like you’re envisioning your piece. It’s only a proposal and a work in progress.
The next step? Email your proposal to (submissions are now closed)
Deadline? Your final proposal has to be in at midnight – but don’t leave it for the last minute, as then we will not be able to assist you developing your idea if needed, and we might just be missing out on the most spectacular Clan ever!
Want to know more about the San Clan effigy? Read the History of The San Clan.

As we’ve mentioned many times, AfrikaBurn is more than just…