CREATION was an excellent year for Leave No Trace (LNT), with the majority of our camps and artworks showing up as ‘green’ on the MOOP map. 

On the ground in Tankwa Town, we saw much more evidence of the space being cared for by individual Theme Camps, artists and support camps. Most of our key contributors held their spaces with a lot of care and integrity and this was reflected in the MOOP map this year.

There are four main colours used this year for the grading of the MOOP map. The grading was calculated using the metrics of time and mass as well as compliance to the LNT criteria laid out in this cycle. 

Green is none to minimal MOOP, no slowdown of the MOOP-line and was completed with relative ease.  Yellow meant that there were areas of concentrated MOOP that slowed down the MOOP-lines by a significant amount, with small amounts of Macro-MOOP. 

Orange is the major escalation, where kilograms of waste/MOOP had to be collected. These spaces took multiple hours to clear. 

Red was when no LNT principles could be observed, trailers of MOOP needing to be collected, major dumping and lack of responsibility over the space, including holes filled with trash in some instances. 

GREEN – Well looked after and barely any MOOP.

YELLOW – Small amount of MOOP, enough to slow down MOOP-Lines

ORANGE – Macro-MOOP, Diesel/Oil spills, General LNT non-compliance

RED – Macro-MOOP, Diesel/Oil Spills, Dumping, Abandoned Art. Complete LNT Non-compliance.

It’s important to note that the free camping areas were the most MOOP-y this year, which is an interesting shift from past events. What we observed this year was how passionate our community is about our tenants. To that end we will plan larger education drives in those spaces.

I would like to end by saying that there is huge amounts of appreciation to our community for how much responsibility was taken this year. We are looking forward to building on this foundation to keep evolving towards the Net-Positive end goal.


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