AfrikaBurn 2025: 28 April to 4 May

Art: Ubuhlanti by Thulani Headman
Image credit: Anatol Gottfried

Our “world gone mad” has been normalised to the point of absurdity and apathy. In the most unequal country, we will have no real impact on future generations, unless we act with urgency to reverse damage and turn towards a better world for all beings. 

This invites and requires our creativity and action.

Our strategic purpose:

Inspiring creative experiments in the art of inclusive and regenerative community culture. 

From desire lines to purposeful steps, our three emergent pathways:

Environment and Regeneration

AfrikaBurn’s commitment to environment and regeneration stems from our deep understanding that the ecosystems we engage with are as vital as the creative expressions we foster. We believe that our community has a responsibility not just to “leave no trace” but to actively regenerate the land and resources that sustain us. By embracing practices that go beyond sustainability and into regeneration, we aim to create a net positive impact—transforming our spaces, events, and operations into models of ecological harmony.

This WHY is driven by the need to make our events and operations a reflection of the world we wish to cultivate —one where human activity restores and enhances the natural environment. Through innovation, collaboration, and the mobilisation of our community’s collective expertise, we strive to reduce our carbon footprint, minimise waste, and regenerate both the Quaggafontein and Tankwa regions. To be active in the “Great Turning”* Our vision for regeneration is not just a set of practices but a creative and inclusive movement that inspires others to contribute to a healthier, more balanced relationship with nature.

AfrikaBurn’s commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion stems from our recognition of the impact of systemic injustice on the people of South Africa, the legacy of pain and suffering and the damage it wrought on the fabric of the nation. Adapting our Radical Inclusion principle in 2019 was a significant step in recognising our cultural context, the need to transform exists only when something has been created without all at the centre.

This WHY is driven by the need to model our events, operations and movement as a propeller of the world we are moving towards. One where who we are and how we are enhances social cohesion, which doesn’t just happen. We can not expect that organically we can reverse an intervention that was institutionalised on all levels. Through JEDI our shared experiences will encourage us to be more embracing of people’s diverse identities. Umntu ngumntu ngabantu (a person is a person through others).

AfrikaBurn’s commitment to resource mobilisation acknowledges the role that money plays in building and operating our organisation, and in creating platforms for experiences and events. We are also cognisant of the many resources we are fortunate to have access to: our people, our energetic community, our land, our assets and equipment, our existing financial resources, the thing we do in the desert, and other programmes.

This WHY is driven by the need to make our movement self-replenishing, and able to withstand shocks (i.e. COVID 19) and unanticipated events. Concurrently, we are ever conscious that South Africa is the most unequal country in the world. Monetary wealth never correlates with access to, nor holds any status whatsoever in our community. Inventing the world anew compels us to seek alternatives to the industrial growth model and transactional relationships, and protect the longevity of our culture through circulating the many gifts of our community.


Imagine looking at afrikaburn through a microscope. What would you see?

Afrikaburn organism

If we look a bit closer at AfrikaBurn, we can see that we are made up of lots of different, unique elements, from bottom to top, back to front, and side by side. We all play a part in this amazing organisation, from our annual event participants to our voting members.

When viewed as a single celled organism, life was easier – everyone knew what was going on and all we needed was the Tankwa dust to settle from one event to the next. Yet, as change is the only constant, AfrikaBurn evolved.

Now we’ve touched over 100 000 lives, and are a registered Public Benefit Organisation, in order for us to evolve elegantly into our future beings, we’re going to need a solid plan that everyone can understand and participate in.



Create - foundational steps


Review current consumption and practice - At our HQ & our humans
Identify Organisation portion of “R&R 5”
Establish and agree baselines for change.

Employ 2 x BIPOC into key Development roles.

Finco and Board align on composition and presentation of 3 year strategically aligned finance plan and objectives.


Implement achievable change from Organisation “Enviro&Re… 5”
Monitor full cycle of consumption/ practices - HQ and humans.

Actualise better representation of women and BIPOC on Board of Directors.

Ratify a comprehensive three year financial plan.


Review share organisation impact assessment of FY 2026.
Identify timeline and milestones towards net positivity.

Actualise better representation of women and BIPOC on Membership.

Ratify a Revenue Reserve Policy that: protects organisation’s longevity, ensures that Tankwa Town Ticket prices are reasonable, and disburses funds through the Movement.

Net Positive Organisation

Justice Equity Diversity & Inclusion

Longer Term Financial Planning

Celebrate - foundational steps

Celebrate AfrikaBurn


Identify specific measures and implement monitoring of AfrikaBurn event operations. Develop framework for moving Event Operations onto renewable energy.

Allocating one access grant per Anathi ticket.

Ensure a joined up tech foundation for participation (registration and communication).


Full cycle impact measurement and monitoring as per metrics Identify Quagga- and Vaalfontein’s portion of “Enviro&Re… 5” Develop ecological regeneration index.

Key touch points for a pan Afrikan network through existing AB participants and other networks.

Conduct full asset audit. Create a long term asset requirement framework.


Develop plan with event community to incentivise transition.
Communicate opportunities.
Identify timeline and milestones towards net positivity.

JEDI principles across all event granting.

Future-proofing the technology systems and structures to facilitate effective community participation and engagement.

Net Positive Event and Community

Diverse Community and Creative Expression

Surviving to Thriving

Activate - foundational steps


Define metrics for farms against that of Tankwa Town and Event.
Recruit Rural and Enviro Operations Coordinator.

Deliver tools to measure impact of Public Benefit Activities.

Develop a strategically aligned fundraising plan - identify target sources and uses of funds.


Full cycle impact measurement and monitoring as per metrics Identify the Farms’ portion of the “Enviro&Re… 5”.
Develop ecological regeneration index.

Key touch points for a pan Afrikan network through existing AB participants and other networks.

Develop actionable plans around “other revenue” sources.


Review and share full cycle impact FY 2026. Develop vision / charter /
treaty for the farms.
Apply ecological regeneration index.

Inbound Afrikan exchange at 2027 event and other programming.

At least two “other revenue” streams activated.

Vaal and Quagga as Exemplars

Diverse Projects and Actors

Balanced Flow of Resources