AfrikaBurn 2025: 28 April to 4 May

Radical Self Reliance rears again

There has been much brouhaha around the new suppliers policy that came into play after the 2023 event, so we figured that it was time to bring it all together and (try) to address your concerns in one fell swoop.

Why the change?

In the great experiment that is AfrikaBurn, the one thing that we hold absolutely central (in fact, it’s been adopted as our motto) is the phrase “invent the world anew”. Society in the default world kinda sucks, so why not use our event as a control group to see which levers we can pull to shake things up a bit, even make it transformational.
After the 2023 event, many of you raised the concern that “default world” thinking had started to creep in – especially in the set up and break down side of things. Instead of coming up with creative solutions, folks had realised that it was WAY easier to hire someone to do the things and make their lives easier, and so they did.
This led to a different kind of Burn landscape – one where spectators spectated, and participants saw the spectation and got disillusioned by it.
The new suppliers policy is a response to that – an attempt to claw back our core.

What does it mean for this year?

The main aims of the new policy are to minimise spectators, maximise participation, eliminate plug & play/concierge camps and regulate commercial activities on site in the spirit of Decommodification.
The AfrikaBurn Suppliers Programme exists to support Registered Creative Projects to bring their magic to Tankwa Town, and only registered suppliers that have signed the suppliers agreement and engaged with the registration process will be permitted to operate on site.


Because in this world of fly-by-night, money making and profiteering, AfrikaBurn does things differently. By being able to engage with suppliers before they get to the Burn we are able to chat to them about the principles and try as far as possible to get them to operate in a manner that is aligned with our ethos.

How does it all work?

If your creative project is hiring any suppliers in order to enable your gift to the Burn, please make sure that they register. Only registered suppliers will be permitted to operate on site in Tankwa Town – All of the information is on the Afrikaburn website here:
Once they have applied to register, our suppliers team will take them through the process and orientate them around what to expect in the Tankwa, communicate the fees and educate them around what the agreements that we expect from suppliers are.

In summary:

If you decide to hire a supplier, you need to check that they are on the registered suppliers list.
If your supplier is NOT on the list, send them the link to the suppliers page on the website so they can familiarise themselves with the policy and register
No unregistered suppliers will be allowed into Tankwa Town.

But what about Health & Safety?

For years and years hundreds of people came to Tankwa Town and put up their camps without the help of suppliers. AfrikaBurn has always operated within “Safety Third” it’s almost our second motto. If you don’t feel comfortable in your ability to erect a large bedouin tent – then rethink your shade solution! There are hundreds of solutions out there. Engage your creativity, teach yourself how to sew and get cracking!

What if I am not a registered creative project?

Then Radical Self Reliance applies! AfrikaBurn is unlike any other event – there are no food stalls, no shops nearby, no WiFi, no taps. Darling, you need to bring everything you need to survive in the desert for a week (and we suggest enough to share, too).

Communal effort is a beautiful principle, it’s where the best of the Burn often emerges – engage with it and see what magic you can create!

Questions? Email [email protected]

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