How To (Still) Get Tickets

Gagging to join the other 9 800 people who’ll be gathering in the Tankwa dust at the end of April, but don’t have that all-important ticket? Don’t fret – if you really want to go, you’ll get the ticket you’re after.

Every year, tickets to our little thing in the desert sell out sharp. And every year, there are hundreds of people who miss the boat or are unlucky enough to not be amongst those who snag them in the sales. That’s the luck of the draw but the good news is that if you’re amongst those who’ve thrown their hands up in despair, there are options. Every year, many hundreds of tickets become available and these can be bought directly from people reselling spare tickets, or through STEP.
So, what are your options?

1) The Secure Ticket Exchange Programme (STEP)

Firstly, get onto STEP right away if you haven’t already done so. The number of tickets placed back into the pot increases as the days count down, and some batches of unused ticket allocations are also placed back into circulation by our team. All of that action adds up to quite a lot of tickets – this year it could be as many as around 800. Of course – because it’s a queue – the sooner you lodge a ticket request on STEP, the better your chances.

PLEASE: If you’ve been in STEP but have gotten tickets elsewhere, remove yourself to give others a fair chance. To do that, go here, where you’ll see the orange button that says ‘Cancel your place in the waiting list’. Klap that, thanks.

HEADS UP: Tickets offered on STEP now have a 24 hour notification period – so if you’re expecting a ticket from STEP, be sure to scan your mail every day so you don’t lose your chance to use the link provided.

2) Direct Sales / Ticket Transfer

Connect with someone selling spare tickets they can’t use. This is as easy as scanning our main Facebook page, and our 2015 event page (and even the AfrikaBurn group). Every day now, ticket offers pop up – and the best advice we can give you is to be as alert as possible, by checking in on those channels daily. “The more you look, the more you see” applies here.

If you do get a ticket offer from someone you know, they MUST send you the ticket via email, using Quicket’s system – don’t accept tickets that are already printed out, even if it has your name on. Not at a bar, not in the parking lot of your local supermarket, and not even at a fundraiser. Because why? Because it’s not possible for a ticket holder to change a ticket into your name – only you can do that, on Quicket, once you’ve received it on an email sent from Quicket’s system.


No matter how you get tickets, there are some critical pieces of info you need to know:
1) The only legit tickets are those issued via Quicket.
2) In order to redeem a ticket, you’ll need to sign up and log into Quicket.
3) Anyone who wants to use their ticket also needs to create a Burner Bio. Do that here.
4) Tickets resold directly should be offered at face value (because we don’t seek to profit off each other).


Lastly, a motto that’s circulated by members of our community every year and is absolutely true: “If you really want a ticket to AfrikaBurn, you’ll find one.”

Staying alert and informed is your best bet at making that happen. And hey – now that you have this ticket info, please do the Each One Teach One thing – pass the info on to someone who could use it, thanks.

Need even more info on tickets? Kid’s tickets, transfers, all that? As always, that’s on our Ticket page. 

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