AfrikaBurn 2025: 28 April to 4 May

Theme Camp Safety Checklist

Repsonsibilities of theme camp responsible person/safety officer


  • Tent signed off by an engineer if larger than 100sqm
  • Scaffolding may not be higher than 2m without a structural sign-off


  • Generator noise needs to be dampened effectively
  • Electrical cables/wires need to be lifted or taped or in a groove in the ground or covered with flooring
  • All branding on equipment & vehicles covered where possible
  • Sound equipment checked by Sound Ranger, and sound zones adhered to
  • Mutant Vehicles licensed at DMV (Registration to happen before arrival at the Burn)


  • First Aid Box on site and properly stocked
  • Always have hand sanitiser at your camp and on your body
  • RVs with toilets need to insure that they adhere to our wise waste initiative


  • Portable fire extinguishers need to be serviced, and their certificate/s valid
    and compliant
  • Theme Camp must have a minimum of 2 x 4.5kg DCP extinguisher and 2 x buckets of sand (for petrol fire firefighting purposes) per 100sqm of tent
  • Please ensure that your extinguisher has been serviced within the last 12 months and is fully charged – if not, then the Theme Camp will need to make a trip to Ceres or Calvinia to purchase one
  • Excess fuel (in a fuel drum) and LPG (more than 90kg) need to be stored at the AfrikaBurn Fuel Dump. Please alert the Safety officer of your excess fuel. The AB Fire Department will come and collect it and deliver it back to you
  • Fuel storage:
    • Distance between Tent and Fuel – 5 metres
    • Distance between Tent and Fire – 5 metres
    • Distance between Fuel and Fire – 10 metres
    • Placed in a triangle.


All vehicles must be parked with their ‘nose’ to the street in case of emergency


If you encounter a vulnerable participant in your Theme Camp, please bring them to the Sanctuary, which is next door to the Medics or alert a Ranger

  • Proper lock-up area of alcohol after “closing time”
  • Be responsible when gifting alcohol, do not gift alcohol to under-age
    persons (check for yellow wristbands)
  • Make provision for safe parking area for Mutant Vehicle on camp site
  • Manage camp layout (ensure no vehicles are parked in the road)

The Safety Officer will come past and ensure that this is all in order before signing off your Theme Camp.